Friday, August 28, 2009

Beyond Technology

Imagine you are somewhere in the future. Unlike before, you are now much more concerned with a balanced lifestyle that enriches the mind, the body and the soul. Too mush stress, acceleration, performance and Prozac in the past have altered your perspective. You are now more interested in community and friendship, in personal growth and creativity, in well being and in controlling your own path and directions in life. In terms of your everyday you are able to achieve these easily through the interaction of the digital physical world. Whether at home or in a public space you intuitively and easily interface and interact with information, with friends and with yourself in ways that were unimaginable in the recent past. You now live in an economy based on information, services, experiences and solutions, is and through specific contexts. You value being able to customize this in a way that is personal and fitting to you, as an individual or as a group. Living as you do in a context economy, value is based on customization, adaptability and transformation.

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